Axial спондилоартрит M45 7 увреждания?

To validate and refine two sets of candidate criteria for the classification/diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis (SpA). All Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society (ASAS) members were invited to include consecutively new patients with chronic ( or =3 months) back pain of unknown origin that began before 45 years.

Периферният спондилоартрит какво е това Аксиалният спондилит е вид хроничен възпалителен артрит, включващ гръбначния стълб и / или сакроилиасните стави.

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PDF | The currently used methods for evaluating the progression of structural damages in early axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) are little suitable to real practice since they require specially trained radiologists and increase a patient's exposure to radiation. is a rapid access, point-of-care medical reference for primary care and emergency clinicians. Started in 1995, this collection now contains 6703 interlinked topic pages divided into a tree of 31 specialty books and 731 chapters.

Тя се предписва след много видове заболявания, включително ампутации, артрити, рак, сърдечни заболявания, неврологични проблеми, ортопедични травми, увреждания на гръбначния стълб, инсулти и мозъчни травми. отколкото за лечение на артрит и неравности на краката

Key words: non-radiographic axial spondiloarthritidis, ankylosing spondylitis, disease activity BACKGROUND Axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) is a chronic affecting the axial skeleton (sacroiliac joints and spine), but in which extra-spinal and extra-artic-.

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